Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Process of Reviewing an Album

For some odd reason, I get this question a lot: How do you go about reviewing your albums? Steps I thought were simply natural were in fact a unique way to really listen to an album. I almost always listen to an album/EP 3 whole times before writing up the review. The first time, I will listen on my phone with my ear buds. Next, I will listen through my laptop/computer and those speaker. Lastly, I will listen to the album either in my car or in my home stereo. 

I feel the need to hear how it sounds in numerous settings so the overall sound or feel of the album really comes through. What may sound a little weak in the ear buds may rattle your whole body in the car or at home. I usually make notes throughout the listens that way when it is time to write it out, I can remember key things about the tracks I wanted to mention. Also,every review I ever post on www.kccassi.com was hand written first. The feeling of the pen to the paper and feeling every stroke of the words you are writing, is just something that no technology could ever replace. 

If I ever just really do not find the album appealing I will send my review to the artist/band prior to posting it for public view. After all, I am all about being honest but I also was raised with respectful and support the dreamers and musicians. Just because KC Cassi doesn't like it, doesn't mean the rest of the world will!

Tip for Reviewers: Be descriptive with your words. After all, the readers are looking to you to describe them the album and tell them whether they should get it or not. Imagine explaining a concert to a blind person, something like that! Hahah

Tips for Bands/Musicians Seeking Reviews: Remember that a reviewer is just one opinion, who is listening and judging your album for free out of the sheer love of hearing new music. Never let negative reviews get you down, just use it as a motivational tool instead. Do not request the review if you are not prepared to hear an honest opinion.

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